The Trust for Public Land

10 Minute Walk Mayoral Campaign

Designing a website celebrating the mayors pledging to build a park within a 10 minute walk of every citizen.

There's More

Working With organizational teams.

I led a design team spanning 2 organizations charged with the design and implementation of TPL's 10 Minute Mayoral Walk responsive website. My responsibilities included layout, user experience, front end development, and providing a clear design direction for both teams.

An Opportunity to Engage Users.

I believe an empty state as an opportunity to re-engage a user. I designed a simple visual as a powerful call to rally behind TPL's cause.

Showcasing The Mayors.

60% of this site is a roaster of the mayors who have pledged their support of this initiative. I strategically designed visual breaks throughout the list to keep it from feeling monotonous.

Mayor Pledges


Mayors have promised their support of the 10 Minute Walk campaign.

*data collected on 4/1/2018